Thank you for your interest in Partnering with us monthly, annually or with a one-time donation. Your partnership with us in this ministry gives us the freedom to focus our time on serving the Akha locally, rather than constantly returning to America on fund-raising campaigns. We know that these are troubled financial times, and appreciate your faithfulness to our ministry and family in the midst of financial anxiety. Your gifts to our work allow us to continue to volunteer our time and resources to the apparent and underlying needs of the Akha people.

Online Giving

We are happy to announce that online donations are now available through our Foursquare Missions International page, you may give online by following this link:

Donations By Mail

Donations may be received by mail as well. All donations given through FMI are tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to

Foursquare Missions International

with the following in the memo line: 

Paul and Lori Vernon

Checks may be mailed to:

Foursquare Missions International

P.O. Box 26776

Los Angeles, CA  90026-0176